Sunday, 30 December 2012

Sowing What Would Be Reaped

Thrust between betrayal and love, what would you choose - Karma or... ? 

The previous year, 2011, stands among the best - if the harshest - teachers in relationships and life in general for me. Allow me to explain the personal experience in its academic form: That the heart can only hide so much, is the one reason why the lips can say so little. 

Before Anything...

This is my first post for this blog.  I do hope that visitors stumbling into this humble 'personal' space of mine, would find a thought, at least, to reflect on. I offer nothing. What I shall be writing here shall be small, humble, plain and ordinary insights from my small experiences as a man, son, friend, journalist and above all, a man who seeks nothing more than to be a more grateful person for God's relentless mercies and blessings. Thank you for visiting. I hope you keep doing so. Thank you so much.

The Test from Relationships
Let us return to the principle theme of this post. I recall a verse somewhere in the Holy Bible that suffering teaches you patience. In my experience that verse has deep resonance with the realities of reconciliation, in fact. For instance, if suffering teaches you patience, then patience gives you knowledge. In turn knowledge gives you wisdom, I believe. And wisdom is exactly what you need to confront challenges. 

I believe that relationships are the "examination centers" that test the values of patience. Yet in the event when trust between two persons has been violated, cowardice - perhaps even guilt - will be the father of all lies that shall feed and add more suffering between two loving persons facing issues of (un)faithfulness. An honest regret can soothe the wounds to some extend and for the two hearts, talking about it would be a wonderful, therapeutic and a positive strategy towards reconciling with the wounds. Yet, all in all, one shall always be haunted. It is pain of the most profound kind, I tell you. 

The school of Karma

At its perfect moment, Karma is always at its best. Woe to both the perpetrator and the victim. Another Bible passage - 'Do unto those what you would want them to have do to you' - comes to mind. Notwithstanding the finality of the school of Karma, I still believe there exists another virtue more concrete than it.

Before we talk about the virtue, let us examine the basic accent of Karma and its philosophical orientation: A casual examination of human nature's infinite exchanges during their human histories, and lonely people's silent stories are convincing - if tad insufficient - proof that an 'Eye for an Eye' fathers both reward and lesson, both consequences and regeneration. For instance: Steal and one day your possession shall be stolen; be unfaithful to your spoken companion and one day your spoken beloved shall find a new reason to rejoice in another person; finer messages are discernible only if one has had an experience that which the messages represent; not every man suffers ineptitude - there are those who talk less simply for the reason that words are inadequate to explaining what they already know.

Answers are futile for any act of breach of trust that may have been committed already. The truth shall ever be in the one who fell - only he knows that his answer is nakedly inadequate compared to the reality he knows is true the inside him. 

The 'victim' could cite as proof many a reason through which he came to have the knowledge of his companion's unfaithfulness: The casual tongues of beloved friends betraying; outward platonic niceties that betray the secret conspiracies and unbridled passions underneath - lust and "love" and adulatory and desperation. 

Not all men are inadequate. This is where a milestone shall be dung into the side of the road - that when the time comes, the perpetrator shall find that after all his travel across the world, he has only traveled in circles to find himself having walked up to the old cornerstone he set into the ground somewhere during his past. 

The world is round. So no matter which path you take, you'll always travel in circles, to the beginning and forth, again. And again. What goes around comes around. The earth is round. So as you sow, so shall you reap. Does that not make perfect sense?  

What of the one who received something he didn't deserve?
So talking of fidelity trust and love, what of those who never took an eye but had his eye taken out? What might be his crime that his member became the price when he had taken no eye? This is a catharsis for both pain and wisdom: Pain for the injustice. And wisdom? Wisdom in forgiveness and a chance at nurturing his self at becoming, perhaps, a better person. Perhaps. Or a wiser person. At the least. 

Not everything in the world has answers - some answers are in the guise of questions. Either way, for the one wronged both pain and wisdom are fruits of goodness that shall serve good in future. 

The returns for the perpetrator, is assured as well...

In good time.

It is for that, that the great fathers whispered a piece of wisdom from the ages, that still echo loud across existence and generations: 'Do to other as you would like them do to you.' If the higher laws of justice would compensate for the wrong, then let it be. 

But as for you, you have a virtue more concrete than Karma. Remember that special virtue I wrote about earlier in this post? 

What is that virtue?  

It is true that forgiveness does not guarantee healing what had been scarred, especially memories. The scars will haunt you for long - perhaps even forever, for some people - but forgiveness is one step to healing yourself. You say, but its only a small movement - just one step. 


But have I told you that it is a giant step still? Why? 
It is one step forward

God bless your heart. I shall be writing more; please do visit again.

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